Tag Archives: club penguin

New Catalogs, EPF Sneak Peak and Happy New Year!

Hello, Happy new year club penguin bloggers and players! Its a new year in club penguin and its already kicking off with new catalogs:

Style Catalog (made by ClubPengCheating – not my channel):

Club Penguin Snow and Sports (made by Waterskid125 – Not my channel):

Now, latley club penguin has told us that there will be some EPF updates soon, and they revealed some pictures at the club pengun whats new blog here:


and here


Hmmmm, what do you think, give us a comment!

Happy New Year!
Waddle On!


Arrow Key Virus Problem.

Have you expierenced a sudden losse of control on club penguin games? For example: you are playing aqua grabber, and has suddenly lost control, like presssing the left arrow ley, and going up. Report this problem to us or the club penguin support team.

Waddle On!


Forum Coming Soon!

Yes that’s right! Your Christmas present from me, a forum to sign up to! Will be coming soon…

Holiday Party is here, and new catalogs and rockhopper tracker!

The reason i have not posted for ages is

1. School (but school has ended for 3 weeks now!)
2. I wanted to wait until every new stuf comes out, and then make a big post!

So lets get on, the holiday party has arrived!! And a new way to donate your coins for change charity money!!!
First of all, pick a category to donate to:

Then pick an amount to donate:

Now your done:

You can find donating stations dotted around the island, or if you are a member, buy a donation station to put inside your igloo!

Next up is a cool prize members can get after completing the Santa ride:

To complete the ride, click on fly at the controls, then every time you see a chimney at the bottom of the screen, click present release, try not to miss!

Once you are done, grab Santa’s present bag!

Next up Rockhopper is here, goto to his ship and goto his rare items, if you are a non member, grab the globe hat!

Next up are some catalogs:

Better igloos:

Style Catalog:

New play ‘Space Planet ‘Y’ Adventure’ catalog:

(credit to people to created these videos)

Now for our rockhopper tracker!

1.The Rockhopper tracker above is highly accurate and updates the room and server Rockhopper was last seen in. If you spot Rockhopper and the tracker hasn’t been updated yet, leave a comment and we will give you credit!

2. Rockhopper usually logs into the crowded servers during peak hours of the day (usually around afternoon and evenings of everyday). Rockhopper visits the less crowded servers during hours when less penguins are online. (usually around early morning and late night of everyday)

3. Do not believe penguins who say “ROCKHOPPER AT MAMMOTH” or anything in that matter. They are usually lies to bother other penguins and/or to get them out of a room.

4. Rockhopper isn’t always on Club Penguin 24 hours. Usually during overnight or early dawn (11:00 PM – 6:00 AM PST), he most is offline.

5. If you notice a server that usually is not crowded that suddenly got crowded, check this server as Rockhopper may be on it. There is not even a 10% chance Rockhopper would be on a server with 1 bar, even during peak hours.

6. Rockhopper is a red penguin with a beard, and a black pirate hat. If you find him on Club Penguin, click on him to view his player card. Note: Rockhopper’s outfit is exclusive and cannot look like any other penguin. There are lots of impersonators out there!

7. If you do find Rockhopper on Club Penguin, click on the free gift button on the far right for Rockhopper’s autographed background. This button is located where normal penguin’s “Add a buddy” button is.

8. Rockhopper is always very crowded when he is online. Be sure to check the users in room list instead of searching for his in the room. The users in room list is alphabetized and easier to search through. You can do this by clicking the button next to the smiley face on your buddy list.

9. Rockhopper changes servers every 10 – 15 minutes, including rooms. This means you will have to find Rockhopper fast and check this page for updates. Refresh the Club Penguin Rockhopper tracker.

10. Add a lot of buddies. You aren’t the only one tracking, so why not join everyone else? The more people who track with you, the more of a chance you will spot Rockhopper faster!

11. Finding Rockhopper takes a lot of patience. A good tip for non-members is to look for Rockhopper during the last few days of his arrival and during less popular hours, this way the room is less full. For the times on these times, you can check one of the tips above.

12. For more information on Club Penguin’s Rockhopper, visit fin1002’s Club Penguin Rockhopper Guide page.

So then that is all!

Merry Christmas!
Waddle On!


Halloween Party! Gary Tracker, Candy Hunt, Contest and Candy Hunt

Hello its the Halloween party!!!! and we have lots of things to tell today!! First its the Contest! guess theese rooms and the first 15 people to comment and get the anwser right will be featured on this blog for 5 weeks!!!

Guess These Zoomed in Rooms in the Halloween party!












Prize: Getting added on cp by me, 6 weeks featured on my blog.




Next Up is the Gary Tracker:


Gary usually logs in packed servers during the popular hours of the day. (evening, weekend) Gary usually logs in quiet servers during the less popular hours of the day. (dawn, late night)
Don’t believe penguins who say Gary the Gadget Guy is at an extremely popular server (Blizzard, Mammoth, etc).

Penguins on Club Penguin usually lie for no particular reason. It is possible he is on that server, but there’s a higher chance he is not.
Gary does take breaks occasionally. When he does, we will notify you by updating the Club Penguin Gary tracker.

Gary is a cobalt-coloured penguin with a white lab-coat, a brown tie, and round glasses. If you find him on Club Penguin, click on him to view his player card and pick up his free background.
Gary can only be found in The Dark Chamber and The Haunted House.
Check servers that are normally empty, but are suddenly very popular. (4 – 5 green bars or full). There is a high chance Gary is there.
If there is a room which you see lots of penguins trying to jam in one room, there is also a high chance Gary is there.

Track with your buddies! Like they say: The more, the merrier!
Try adding random penguins on Club Penguin. If they are the tracking type of penguins, they can really help you find Gary. If you notice they never login or they don’t track Gary, then you can delete them.
Gary changes servers every 15 minutes. This means you will have to find Gary fast and check this page for updates.

Finding Gary takes a lot of patience. Use our tracker and with some time you will find Gary the Gadget Guy on Club Penguin. Gary may be on multiple servers at the same time.

Next up is the candy hunt cheats:

Here is a Video:

If you want a cheat on getting to Garys Lab, put on night vission goggles in the maze and you can see the entire room green! Its Soo Coool!

Happy Halloween!


Great Snow Maze has Arivved and New Game at Fire Dojo!


Finally after the Black puffles, Then the scavnger hunt, Mysterious Volcano, Storm, Gold smith amulet, Volcano game Construction the Game is finally here! Itsgreat isant it, i belive some penguins are finding ithard to play the game so im contructing a new page on tips to becoame a fire master, and how the play the new Member fire game. the page should be complete tomorrow.


The Member snow maze is here! You can win a prize for it! Plus theres new Weel Sleds (my name apinion).
Some say you cant get to the end on that last bit, the igloo shaped tunnels overlap, the blue arrow it under and the red one is overlaping. Here follow this video EXACLY were it tells you to go, otherwise it wouldent work.

And then get the free item. If your confused on where hesgoing use this map.

Plus theres a new Sports catalog in the sport shop.